Not the newest to the whole scene of the LX's but def new to this site and wanted to check in....
ill be 19 at the end of the month and am from Boston Mass.....i have owned 2 LX's both being chargers ....
the first one i owened was a 2006 Charger SE 3.5 which i would call a modd mess. i had my heart and soul poured into that thing....and acted like i was the biggest hot shot in highschool pullin in every morning with a muredered out charger.

Here are a few pics of that thing i still have laying around
Now i have a 2006 Black Charger SRT-8 and am more than in love with the thing....always been a mopar fan from a little kid and wont ever turn my back on it
here are some pics of the SRT
Well there you go guys. i hope in getting to know some of u as i already do know some of you. thanks for reading!!