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Old 09-22-2011, 10:05 PM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Miami
Name: Mo
Age: 58
Posts: 88

Car Model: Briliant Black Charger R/T
Year: 2007
Engine: 5.7L Hemi
We are now going to remove the headlights:

15) Using a T-27 Torx head (6-point) driver, remove all (4) Torx screws, (2) on top and (2) on the bottom of each headlight. A long extension and a ratchet is pretty handy here.

16) You should now be able to slide the headlight out of it's perch and flip it over. Here is a picture of the back of the headlight.

17) Both of the outer bulbs come out easily with a counter clockwise 1/4 turn to the left.

18) The center one is more challenging. Start by pulling out and unclipping the center plug fom the headlight.

19) Pull out the white plastic retainer clip by depressing the center hook and prying off with a flat screw driver.

20) Separate the 2 plug halves by depressing the tab inside the plug and pulling apart.

21) Here you can see the tab you are shooting for. Your headlights are now disconnected. Make sure not to loose the white plastic clip!

Last edited by MoPower; 09-22-2011 at 10:08 PM.
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