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Old 06-20-2011, 10:13 AM   #7
Rican 300's Avatar
Rican 300
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: East Boston, MA
Name: Jose
Age: 52
Posts: 21

Car Model: Chrysler 300
Year: 2005
Engine: 2.7L
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chuck-n-michelle (2) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - Rochester, NH
ChuckWagon (2-my parents Joan & Rick) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - Kingston, NH
SKI WAGON (1) - Auburn, ME
freezingbelow (1 + possible guest) - Tyngsboro, MA
Go Mango (2) - staying both nights - Brampton, Ontario
BAD-SRT (2) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - CT
bipto (1) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - NH
moddog (2) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - Lansdale, PA
Rican 300 (2) - PAID IN FULL - East Boston, MA
CT-MSRT (2) - CT
NHChalnga (1) - PAID IN FULL - Manchester, NH
CANDYAPPLE (2) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - Mississauga, Ontario
SublimeTime (3) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - CT
bigjim & Mebster (2) - PAID IN FULL - staying both nights - Dalton, MA & Bolton, Ontario
Quiknen (1) - Sutton, MA
jmckenzie (1) - PAID IN FULL- Lowell, MA
Higshemi - Maybe - Kitchener, Ontario
Hemicanucksfan - Maybe - Ajax, Ontario
Hemi Mag - (2) plus twins - PAIL IN FULL - Mississauga, Ontario
Val'sR/T - (1) - New Hamburg, Ontario
johnnyinnh - (2) - PAID IN FULL - Lincoln, NH
broncodam - Boston, MA (south of)
Crazy J - (5 - 2 adults, 1 child & 2 n/c) - PAID IN FULL - Dudley, MA (bbq & mt only?)
H20burycharger - Maybe - Waterbury, VT
plmcrzy07 - (2) - PAID IN FULL - 1 night - MA
boschargerrt - (2 + kids) - Maybe - Boston, MA
Top Banana #1608 - (1) - PAID IN FULL - Bangor, ME
Geophrum - (2) - PAID IN FULL - 1 night - Nashua, NH
DreamWeaver - (1) - Providence, RI
NC-SXT - (2) - NC
392HEMI - (2) - Monadnock Region, NH
Daytona185 - (3) - PAID IN FULL - Worcester County
65falcon - (?) - MA
densefive - (?) - Boston, MA
bobsmyuncle - (?) - Hamilton, Ontario
BlazeHemi - (2) - PAID IN FULL -Oshawa, Ontario
Hemi31 & WitchyWndy - (2) - Upper NY
Jim G - (1) - Portsmouth, NH (bbq & mt only)

There is a new stop proposed now as well.

" I mentioned to Chuck some time ago about the possibility of our group riding Loon Mountain's gondola to their 2,750' summit on the way out of Lincoln. It's a 30 minute round trip ride, and allowing maybe 30 minutes at the summit, it could be done in an hour. As a Loon employee, I talked to a group sales person today, and if we're a group of forty'ish, I can get tickets for $6 per person (normally $15!) Check out their website at Plenty of parking for some group shots. The 200+ Mini Cooper group starts their Mt. W thing from there, and Loon even fixes them up with the ability to wash their cars before they leave!"

Now, I know that last year our scenic tour went up Cathedral Ledge and this stop would substitute that stop. We barely found enough parking for just over 20 cars up there last year and I don't want to risk trying to fit close to 40 up there this year.

So....what do you guys think? Please post if you vote...just so we can track who is voting against who is attending. "
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