Nice, glad you posted results and, another vote for Brian, I am sold but, it makes since to me to go ahead and do the beater first since I will be driving the sh!t out of it while the HEMI in in the garage this winter. Problaby will order mine in a few weeks!
- D
Originally Posted by NOSfree

It's been a little bit over a month since i got my shipment in from BND Automotive and i have to say i couldn't be any happier with the way my car feels after i got all my fluids changed, it's something that had to get done and thanks to Jimmy i got pointed to the right direction. :: now i'm almost out of Aces IV so i have to stock up on it before i completely run out of it, it has gotten to the point where i don't wanna drive without it, i guess that all the rumors are true that this is a must have... Thanks again Jimmy and Brian for the Follow-ups.