View Full Version : Members need your help!!!!

02-05-2010, 10:10 AM
Ok, bratha's and soon sista's, we would like to know what your thoughts are on the site. thread titles, placement, what you'd like to add or remove? also as shaggy metioned in previous thread, we will be updating the header pic to flash each members rides. everytime you go to a different section or refresh, it will show another ride. so please post two of your best side view pix here, http://www.chargeralley.com/forum/showthread.php?t=6 and we need a good amount of members to contribute.
also the skin or colors for the Alley MUST be changed and we would like to know what all of you would like to see for color combo's for the Alley. i was leaning towards hemi orange, black, and silver or even brick red.
post your ideas and be heard, this site is for you.
Thank you!

02-05-2010, 10:15 AM
also vendors will be added soon, we just need to build the members and they will come. the Alley will not be cluttered with ad's and vendors are not going to get over charged. shaggy and i, like yourselves are passionate about the forums and want to do it the right way and are not looking to make a living off of this. we just need enough for updates and keeping the site live.
thanks again!

Crazy J
02-05-2010, 02:16 PM
Sublime (or close to it), black and silver would look great, could try to match B5 blue too. Either way, most colors look killer when matched with alot of black. I definitely thing a black background though.

02-05-2010, 04:11 PM
J, I agree with you on the black and B5, one of my favorite colors.